- get a GraphViz binary release, can be pared down to the following files: [.] [..] cairo.dll cdt.dll cgraph.dll config6 COPYING_GraphViz.txt dot.exe expat.dll fontconfig.dll glib-2.dll gobject-2.dll gvc.dll gvplugin_core.dll gvplugin_dot_layout.dll gvplugin_neato_layout.dll gvplugin_pango.dll libharfbuzz-0.dll pango-1.dll pangocairo-1.dll pangoft2-1.dll pangowin32-1.dll Pathplan.dll pixman-1.dll twopi.exe xdot.dll - config6 provides a minimalist config to use w/ the binaries - cp dot.exe twopi.exe (these use arv0 to determine behaviour, qcg/kcg needs both)